My Immortal Wiki

Dubya is a presumably real-life location mentioned in the Author's Notes in My Immortal. According to Tara, she is "leeving dubya pretty soon kant wait!!!"[1]

When Tara says, "dubya" she could be referring to a few things.

  • Slang
    • The word "dubya" is a slang term for the Southern American pronunciation of the letter "W". It is also used to flame and mock then-current United States president, George W. Bush, by pronouncing his middle initial as "dubya".
    • Dubya could refer to the Dallas-Fort Worth area of Texas.[2]
  • Misspelling
    • Dubna, a Russian city.[3]
    • Dubai,[4] the largest city in the United Arab Emirates.
    • Dublin, an Irish city.

What makes all of this mysterious is that Tara may have misspelled Dubai or Dubna as "dubya" or she could be implying that she is in fact an American (and is leaving the president or the organization). Or, obviously, if she is not a troll, she's living somewhere in America but pretends to live in Dubai or Dubna, or she is so terrible at spelling that she misspells her American hometown as "dubya." It is also possible that she is an American whose family traveled to Dubai or Dubna on business and she had to come with them, which would explain both her eagerness to leave and her family having the means to travel to Transylvania (since she claims to have gone there in one author's note). According to Toby, Dubya is Dublin.

However, none of these theories have been proven, and Dubya remains as bizarre and mysterious as the rest of the lore surrounding My Immortal.

